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Horses for Healing and Healing for Horses

Horses are such a Powerful Healing Force! I wanted to explore how Horses can Heal Us, but also how We can Repay them Back - hence the title....Horses for Healing and Healing for Horses! They work so hard to service us, they need something back in terms of Relaxing and Healing when not Working! Working horses can always accept more love - they seem to crave it even! I would like to work with Horse Schools in the Future to encourage this idea and also offer free Reiki to the Horses.

To find out how Daily life goes and to help me understand how I can help Horses in School environments, I booked a One Hour Beach Ride with Pakefield Riding School to experience what happens in the Horses Daily Lives and also to experience what it feels like from a New Rider point of view!

Jerry was the Beautiful Old Lady that was chosen for me to ride:

As a Group of 3, Shannon led us onto the Roads until we got to the Beach in Pakefield, where we all did Rising Trot and then Cantered for short Bursts! After an Hour on the Beach and Roads we returned and I was assured by the Manager Teresa, that the Horses would be Watered down in the Afternoon to cope with the Extra Heat we are experiencing!

Pakefield Riding School was established in 1946 and has been run by the same proprietor, Tess Hardy. After our return to the Stables I had a brief informal chat with the Manager of 20 years, Teresa Laws about how Horses help bring smiles and peace to people and Equine Reiki....

Me - "What is your favourite part of the Job?"

Teresa - "Just being around the Horses really. It is very relaxing and peaceful job. I don't know if you've seen but we actually have a disabled group of riders taking a lesson right now?"

Me - "No I haven't seen them - I will take a look! Can you tell me a little more about the lesson?"

Teresa - " It's a Half hour lesson in the Indoors School."

Me - " And do you notice the difference in the Riders before and after the lesson?"

Teresa - "Oh yes, definatley! During and after the lesson they are all smiles! They do benefit from just being on the horse and they physically relax infront of you.

Me - " That's great! I noticed when we were out riding everybody that sees the Horses, so people in cars or walking down the street or Beach, everybody was smiling and looking as if the horses themselves just bring people such joy!

Teresa - "Oh definately, definately!""

Me - " So with this extra hot weather we are having do the horses cope ok with working?"

Teresa - " Yes, I mean with the Beach Ride when they come back they will get hosed down and then they rest before they may do one more again."

Me - "So they all rest and then work, then rest and then work?"

Teresa - "Yes"

Me - "Excellent. So anything else you can think about to do with healing with the horses? I mean would you talk to them and release your problems?"

Teresa - " Oh yer, yer. I mean they know as soon as see you. They can sense if you are wary of them and act the same. If you're relaxed around them they chill out"

Me - "They have a real depth of soul in their eyes don't they.."

Teresa - "Oh yes definately!"

Me - "So is this a family run business?"

Teresa - " Yes it is. Tess who runs the Yard has been doing it since 1946, so she is in her 80's now, but she comes down everyday, every afternoon! And I am a family friend. The business is family orientated - every one that works here is family or friend so we all look after each other.

Me - "Lovely! So have you heard of Equine Reiki before?"

Teresa - "I've heard of Reiki for people but not for Horses!"

Me - " So in your 20 years managing Horses you have never seen it or heard of it before?"

Teresa - " No that's right. I did see here on your flyer that you work with Crystals and we had a horse here on loan and the Lady used Crystals to help her Horse.

Me - "Great stuff Crystals are natures wonders! So Equine Reiki might be something new for your Horses to enjoy?"

Teresa - "Yes maybe we will take a look into it!"

Me - " That's great thankyou! Well I really enjoyed my Walk on the Beach with Shannon and Jerry! Thankyou so much"

Teresa - "That's great, Good, Good Glad you enjoyed it!"

I'd like to thank Teresa for taking the time to have a talk with me, and also to Shannon for her Instruction. If you would like a lesson with Pakefield Riding School you can visit their website HERE

You can find this Blue Eyed Beauty at Pakefield Riding School:

Or this Beauty:

About Equine Reiki :

As Equine Reiki is still very unknown to some people who have been involved in the Riding industry for years I wanted to include these videos by Sarah Stewart from SJ'S Equine. The benefits of Reiki for Horses is quite evident in these videos, and is something I would hope all Riding Schools would embrace to give back to their working horses for their better health and peace of mind!

As a Reiki Master, I really look forward to offering my services for free for working school horses, and if you know of anyone that may well be interested in having Equine Reiki for their own private horse than please do get in contact with me.

Namaha, Lisa x

Read more about My Animal Reiki Services HERE

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