Pisces Full Moon Transformational Magic - Friday 13th September 2019
It's Tin Foil Hat time once again with alot of intense energies being bought to us courtesy of the Pisces Full Moon tonight on the 13th September! Between now and the 18th September when Saturn goes Direct expect alot of deep healing to be bought up for our attention to deal with!
This full moon will bring deceptions to light and make us question our belief system. Neptune will be a key player, igniting fears and phobias within. Expect high emotion, transformation and watery feelings over the next few days as this Powerful Full Moon triggers us......

There are a few important messages for us this Pisces Full Moon and tonight we are being asked to :
- Close any Karmic Cycles before Saturn Goes direct!
- Work out your lessons to be learned/mastered before Saturn goes direct!
- Stop using fear as an excuse to not move forward - time to act now!
- Get back into Meditation if you have fallen off your spiritual pathway!
- Connect with the Universe to set your intention!
- Stay Grounded!
As usual I like to share some videos about the energies and Gemstone Tarot sums up the Tarot for each star sign here:
If you are interested in the Astrological aspects of this Full Moon then check out the lovely Pam Gregory :
Victor Oddo gives us his insight on the Pisces Full Moon in his usual lively manner :
So, welcome to the Transformational Magic that is Pisces energy, and being a Pisces born on the 13th this is something I know about :D I hope this blog has been helpful and that this Pisces Full Moon helps to push you forward towards your Transformation! And if the energies are a little too intense for you, then there is always the Tin Foil Hat to fall back on and as you can see Kuma is well prepared :D :

Namaha, Lisa x