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Stand Up Paddleboard Lessons

You may well be wondering why Stand Up Paddleboard Lessons may be listed on a Holistic Website! I have been a qualified Stand Up Paddleboard Teacher now for 5 years and the benefits of this sport on your Soul, Body and Mind are obvious to me! To keep a healthy balanced body we need to focus on these 3 things and Stand Up Paddleboarding is an ideal way to exercise to help us feel better and keep us healthy! 


Some reasons why you might like to give Stand Up Paddlebaording a go :


+ Stand Up Paddleboarding is environmentally friendly! No nasty trails of oil behind you, no noise pollution, no engine fumes and it costs nothing each time you use your board other than your own efforts!

I encourage people who join my lessons "Take nothing but Photographs, Leave nothing but Paddlestrokes".

I also like to collect Plastic Rubbish that floats down stream if I can while teaching, popping it on my board or taking it to the side for collection after!


+ Stand Up Paddleboarding is very tranquil! Don't get me wrong there are many exciting ways to use your SUP skills such as white water rafting with them should you chose, but my favourite past time is gliding silently down the river, watching nature (that stays remarkably calm and at ease with the boards) and seeing the sunlight dancing off the water! You can pretty much moor where you like with these boards simply by hanging onto a overhanging tree or dropping an anchor and just sit and meditate or do yoga stretches!

If you are a keen photographer I have taken some beautiful shots from my boards before also up close to nature and from a water perspective - take a water proof bag on your back and away you go! After a lesson with me I promise you will be confident enough to carry all your equipment and know you won't fall in or get your equipment wet!


+ Stand Up Paddleboarding doesn't feel like excercise as such! You really can go as fast and hard as you like, or just meander down stream - it is up to you. You are not stuck in a stuffy gym looking at "Perfect People" ,you can go alone or with friends and at your own pace! It is a very effective core, arms, legs and bum excercise without being noticeable hard work - Win - Win!! You will just enjoy your Paddle and then later feel the benefits and ache knowing you just had a fun experience, as opposed to  "working out". 


+ Stand Up Paddleboarding is easy to learn and great for all ages! From the age of around 8 - 80 it is great fun for all the family! You will be up and standing with confidence within the hour and it is a great confidence boosting activity! You just need the strength to paddle the boards forwards in the water, and the knees to stand. I have taught all ages from young to older and most do very well and take it just as quickly, if not quicker than the mid ages people! It really is accessible to all! 


If you feel you want a lesson or would like to find out more just get in contact with me or check the link below for further information. All lessons take place at Martham Boats on the Norfolk Broads, with access to a slipway or portage points All equipment is provided and all instructors are A.S.I qualified and fully Rescue Trained for your Peace of Mind. Book your SUP lesson with confidence!  


I have a dedicated website for all things SUP should you wish to take a look or find out further information - just click below:

Sunrise2Sunset Stand Up Paddleboarding


Should you not wish to look at that site, please feel free to use the contact form on the home page to get in contact 

regarding Stand Up Paddleboarding Lessons - Thankyou! 


© 2020 Sunrise2Sunset Holistic Therapy - Website created and maintained by Sunrise2Sunset. All images and Text are copyrighted (other than stock photos). Please Do not reproduce without written permission. Email or call to use any images or text on this website - I will happily give permission as long as a link back to my website is created and the correct credit given. Many thanks 

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