100% Natural Healing Oils
My very own blended oils for Psychic protection and Revitalisation! I'm so proud of these oils and have been working on them for several months now, trying them out on myself, and using them for Reiki. I call them Oils, as the base ingredient is Sweet Almond Oil - a neutral free from fragrance oil in which I put the magic ingredients in to mature and strengthen in healing! But they contain so much more than just Oil....
The 4 Elements are my main focus for my first set of Healing Oils, Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Each Elemental Healing Oil contains 100% 4 Natural Main Ingredients:
* 100% Pure Natural Oils
* 100% Pure Tree/Plant Resins of high grade
* 100% Pure Organic Herbs and Spices
* 100% Pure Natural Crystals

You may be wondering what you should do with these oils! They are for placing anywhere on your body you wish, but are particularly great for small dabs here and there where you feel you need it! The carrier Almond oil is very light and blends into the skin well. All the ingredients are Natural and have many anti fungal, anti bacterial, healing properties. The Crystal I have chosen for each blend either has great grounding and protective qualities such as Black Tourmaline or is high in vibration such as Herkimer Diamond. I recommend you use these oils:
* On each of your Chakra points! Before meditation dab a small dot of the oil of your choice over each chakra to endure a safe and peaceful meditation free from unwanted lower astral experiences. These oils are designed to lift and raise your vibration and your overall amount of psychic protection via their ingredients and the crystals!
*If you are experiencing Psychic Attack! Use the Earth Oil in particular over your Solar Plexus and naval area to ward off the most harmful effects of attack. It is a powerful and potent mix and all the ingredients fuse with the Black Tourmaline Crystal with great protective effect! At the same time use the Water or Air Element over your Third Eye and Crown area to uplift your Vibrations! In combination they are protective and uplifting your vibration creating hostile conditions for any negative energy being sent your way!
*As a daily prevention to being a magnet for negative energy in the first place! As an Empath myself, I know how important this is and I have found that simply using this oil has helped! I like to put some over my Crown Chakra and my palms or wrists at the start of each day!
*As an alternative to Perfume and manufactured essences. This is ALL Natural and the Resins are quite potent when shaken up each day in their container along with the Crystals and Natural Raw Ingredients. Dab and put where you would normally wear Perfume! It is much more subtle than any man made fragrance, but still each one has a definite, unique smell that is pleasant and gentle on the nose!

Earth Essence
Properties : Grounding and Protecting
100% Pure Natural Oils Element – Palo Santo Oil, Calendula Oil, Sandalwood Oil
100% High Grade Resins Element – Palo Santo Resin, Peruvian Black Copal Resin, Myrrh Resin
100% Pure Herbs or Spices Element – Nutmeg, Rosemary
100% Pure Natural Crystal Element – Black Tourmaline

Air Essence
Properties: Uplifting and Protecting
100% Pure Natural Oils Element – Frankincense
100% High Grade Resins Element – Hosari Frankincense Resin, White Copal Resin, Royal Boswellia Sacra Frankincense Resin
100% Pure Herbs or Spices Element – White Sage
100% Pure Natural Crystal Element – Herkimer Diamond

Fire Essence
Properties: Warming and Protecting
100% Pure Natural Oils Element – Grapefruit Oil, Orange Oil
100% High Grade Resins Element – Dragons Blood Resin, Somali Myrrh, Peruvian Amazonian Gold Resin
100% Pure Herbs or Spices Element – Cinnamon Stick, Whole Cloves
100% Pure Natural Crystal Element – Amber

Water Essence
Properties: Refreshing and Protecting
100% High Grade Resins Element – Citrus Boswellia Sacra Frankincense, Lemon Oil
100% Pure Herbs or Spices Element – White Sage
100% Pure Natural Crystal Element – Selenite, Himalayan Pink Salt Crystal
100% Water Element – 100% Medical Grade Silver Water