I just love the work of Dr David Hawkins and his Scale of Consciousness has been such a prevalent part of my spiritual journey! It gives us an amazing Guide as to what energy has the highest vibration so we can not only aspire to those higher energies, but also use the scale to guide us as to who to have in our lives :) If you are not familiar with this Scale then please see it here - I guarantee it will be useful to you:
Just look at the bottom section of Suffering and see how many of those energies are being deployed by our Systems that rule us right now - Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Grief and Fear. It is all too clear that these energies only lead us to suffering! Know that when you drop into shame, you feel guilty or are made to feel guilty, when you are grieving and when you are in the state of fear you are suffering. We can choose to not be in those energies, but to choose enlightenment, peace, joy and love as our daily staple energy - it is OUR CHOICE!
This beautiful older video is of David speaking the truth about becoming a Spiritual Warrior! Do you agree with what he says? Do you have any other thoughts to add and share with us? What do you think about the Scale of Consciousness?
Makes sense!
God I love you with all my soul nd body you help me when no one else would you were there for me when no one was thank you god for everything love you ❤