Chiron Leaves Pisces and moves into Aries & Full Super Moon in Virgo 18 -19th February 2019
So far this Year in 2019, we have been treated to so many Celestial Events, including the Prominent Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse that happened on the 4th February, which triggered and challenged us ALL to Move Forwards!! And Now, Forthcoming on the 18th Feb Chiron leaves Pisces ( hurrah as a Pisces this is particularly exciting for me lol) and THEN on the 19th of Feb 2019 we are faced with the Full Moon in Virgo....
Just when we thought we were exhausted from Our Healing Journey, The Full Moon In Virgo gives MORE Healing and Peace for those on the Journey and Delivers a Giant Pat on the Back of Acknowledgement for your Service and Efforts to get this far :) This FULL MOON Represents the end to old Cycles that NO LONGER SERVE YOU, and Heralds in the NEW!
A Quick Backtrack to 04/02/2019 Energy leading into this 19th February Energy from Victor Oddo :
Moving Forwards to Today - Chiron Leaves Pisces on the 18th February 2019 :
A little bit more information on The Full Moon on the 19th February from Victor Oddo:
This is what the Lovely Pam Gregory has to say about the Upcoming Celestial Events in February from an Astrological point of View :
The Message for Us all is to Move Into what your Soul is MOST ALIGNED TO. Release what isn't making you whole and Be at Peace with Love in your Heart for Your and Their Higher Good.
It is going to be an interesting next few days as the long Cycle of Chiron in Pisces Ends with a Full Moon and Sun Shifting in to Pisces and so on and so forth....Once again this is proving to be another Lively and active Cycle :)
Wishing you Peace, Love and Enlightenment on your Path, Namaha, Lisa x