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2021 Oracle Yearly Forcast Readings NOW AVAILABLE!!

So 2020 has been quite a year I think we can all agree on that!! It is time for another year to roll in and after the amazing conjunction that is set to take place 21st December things are going to be quite different next year, as optimism replaces negativity and Karma is applied to those that created it! We are literally heralding in a New Age so now is the perfect time to get your Yearly Forcast read!

- Reading will go through Month by Month for all 12 months of the year

- Reading will last at least 40 minutes

- Reading will be sent to you within 48 hours of booking

- Email me FIRST before making payment please

- Readings cost £28.88

Here is an example of the yearly readings:

Further information about other readings:

Please feel free to subscribe to my Channel over on Youtube or if you would like to purchase a Personal Reading please see details HERE! PLEASE NOTE Personal Readings now only take 2 days to receive instead of 4!!

Personalised Videos (up to 2 days to receive) are £22.22. They last between 20 - 30 minutes depending on how indepth the reading takes us. I don't cap it as such and it ends when the readings naturally wants to, but it normally is at least 20 minutes.

Same Day Readings cost £44.44 and you will receive them within 24 hours and they last between 20-30 mins.

I look forward to hearing from you! Namaha, Lisa :)


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