DIVINE FEMININE CELEBRATION - Reduced price for 4 Question Personal Reading - ends 16th March!!
This week we celebrate International Womens Day 8th March, a VERY powerful New Moon 13th March (also my birthday!) and Mothers Day UK 14th March!!!! :) So to celebrate all things divinely Feminine, I am offering a discount on 48 hour Personal Oracle Readings! 48 Hour readings are normally £22.22 but until the 16th March 2021 they are at the reduced sale price of £18.88! Only 25 slots available so please email me before you pay! Please send 4 questions only per reading, and a recent photograph will also help me connect with your energy (although not essential if you would rather not send).
Please note this offer does not apply to Same Day Readings :
Same Day Readings cost £44.44 and you will receive them within 24 hours and they last between 30-40 mins.
Please feel free to subscribe to my Channel over on Youtube or if you would like to purchase a Personal Reading please see details HERE!
PLEASE NOTE Personal Readings now only take 2 days to receive instead of 4!!
I look forward to hearing from you and stay Divine my lovely Feminines! Namaha, Lisa :)