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Happy New Year and Thankyou!!! :)

Happy New Year!! I just wanted to say a HUGE thankyou and a Happy New Year!!

2020 was a MASSIVE year for me in terms of personal growth as I walked away from Places, People, Addictions and all that were no longer serving my highest good! I listened to my beautiful Guides and trusted them to take me far out of my comfort zone. It certainly wasn't an easy year, but the exponential GROWTH has been so worth it and I am Grateful for the Journey!

I wish you all a Beautiful New Year my Lovelies and as we step into the Energy of Number 5 we can expect Change, Revolution and "Sex, Drugs n Rock N Roll" Vibes! This is going to mean the Old Systems/Hierarchy breaking down and giving birth to the new!

It is going to be a rough ride this year, but it is going to be very interesting, so get your Big Girl and Boy panties on and FOCUS on your forward progression HARDER THAN EVER!

Put your Blinkers on to all the External Chaos and BE IN THE EYE OF THE STORM! Hold your internal Peace and FOCUS on your own forward momentum and raising of consciousness!

This isn't the time to try to "Save" others by trying to awaken them, and time to KNOW that people will ONLY Awaken when they want to and when the Divine decides and it is NOT our job to try to "Save" them. By raising your own Vibration your Light will attract those that are also on the Path so reach your hand out to those instead and SUPPORT each other in 2021!

Sending you all MUCH LOVE AND LIGHT FOR 2021! We have got this ;) X


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